
Charles “Chuck” Ginnever
1977; Cor-Ten Steel; Sculpture
Central Campus; Side lawn, south side of Alumni Memorial Hall (Museum of Art)

The sculpture refers to the escape of the Greek hero Daedalus from Crete on wings. From private funds of supporters of the Museum of Art and an NEA grant, in recognition of the 30th anniversary of the Museum’s establishment as a separate administrative unit in 1946. The “five parallelograms … fan out and enclose a large concave space nearly eleven feet deep… The effect is of a serenity that is at odds with its size.” Its original site on the west side of the building was selected so that the “pedestrian traffic flow” would “completely surround the sculpture, allowing people to look at it from every angle, as the piece changes dramatically, depending on the angle from which you look at it.” In 2008, during a major renovation to the building, the sculpture was moved to the south side of the building. Pedestrians can still experience the piece from all sides.