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Performing Arts

Stamps staffer shines in musical theater roles

Jeff Bleiler

When some people listen to music, they close their eyes and soak in the tune.

John Luther experiences something more transformative, and that’s been the case since he was a child.

“For most choreographers, if not all, we literally see music,” said Luther, career development coordinator with the Penny W. Stamps School of Art & Design. “When we hear it, we see what it would look like on bodies. It wasn’t until I was 8 years old that I figured out that not everyone sees music.

“That was pretty revelatory. Having that sense of music helped propel me into wanting to dance more.”

Dance and musical theater provide an ideal stage and creative outlet for Luther, who spent several years dancing professionally before tackling the responsibilities that come with directing and choreographing productions.

Name a musical, and there’s a high likelihood Luther has performed, directed or choreographed it — and in some cases, all three.

Read the full story at The Record.

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