Showcase of provocative, endearing student films
Short and animated films produced by U-M students offer a close look at the techniques and favorite subjects of today’s apprentice filmmakers.
Here’s an overview of the films created by U-M students and graduates in this year’s Ann Arbor Film Festival:
“Reckford” (photo left, from the film) by Sean Thompson, Animation, Short Film
A recent graduate of the University of Michigan with a Bachelor of Fine Arts, Sean is currently collaborating on an upcoming animation project along with pursuing freelance animation work, and editing paintball videos.
“A Piece of Life” by Chase Becsey and Jamie Lee
Case Becsey is a film student at the University of Michigan. “As a filmmaker, I seek to grow by paying particular attention to the medium specificity of film, in hopes of garnering a better understanding of the intricacies that make up the ever-changing world of cinema.”
Jamie Lee is finishing her studies in Communications at the University of Michigan. “I have become enthralled with the art of film and its uncanny ability to portray artistic expression on screen.”
“Instructions for Urban Explorations” (photo below left, from the film) by Perry Janes
Perry Janes is a writer and aspiring filmmaker. A University of Michigan senior, he is currently in postproduction on his short film, “Zug.”
“The Date” by Cynthia Greig
Cynthia Greig received her MFA from the University of Michigan (1995) and studied filmmaking while pursuing a degree in art history from the University of Iowa (MA 1988). During the 1990s she served as a screener and board member for the Ann Arbor Film Festival.
“The Arson of History” by Kristen Zelenka
Kristen Zelenka will graduate in April with honors from the University of Michigan with a major in Art and Design and minor in Screen Arts. She has also directed “Wired Seoul,” served as production designer on student films, and was director of photography for the TEDx U of M Spotlight interview series.