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Exhibitions and Events


SalamanderThe Lane Hall Exhibit Space at the University of Michigan hosts Salamander, photographs and text created by The Olimpias artist collective, a group of disability culture activists and their allies, led by artistic director Petra Kuppers, U-M professor of English, Theater and Dance, Art and Women’s Studies. The artists use underwater photography, dry performance workshops, creative writing and video to find their disabled beauty emerging from the deep, the wild aesthetic of water. This community arts exhibit will change and grow throughout the term, with students and community members responding to the images and narratives. The exhibit, located in the lobby of Lane Hall, 204 S. State St. Ann Arbor, runs through December 5, 2014. The exhibit opening is Monday, Sept. 15, from 4:00-6:00 pm in Lane Hall.

Since May 2013, disabled people and their allies from around the world have climbed into pools and oceans with Olimpias collaborators. They float together, enjoy freedom and adventure, help each other, engage in communal self-care, and give themselves to the pressures of water

The Women’s Studies Department and the Institute for Research on Women and Gender host two exhibits per year in the main lobby of Lane Hall. The exhibits, broadly related to issues of women and gender, are available for public viewing Monday through Friday, 8am-5pm. For more information, visit

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