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Bicentennial StoryCorps Interview No. 3: South Korea to Michigan

Andy Nam with his mother Moon-Sook Nam.

In celebration of the University of Michigan’s Bicentennial, the U-M Library partnered with the national oral history organization StoryCorps to record and preserve stories from our community. During the Fall Festival Bicentennial Celebration, participants had conversations with friends, classmates, family members and colleagues about meaningful experiences at U-M. These stories, presented and curated by the U-M Library in collaboration with StoryCorps, capture the essence of the U-M’s past and present.

Interview No. 3: Andrew Nam & Moon-Sook Nam

Andrew (Andy) Nam asks his mother, Moon-Sook Nam, about growing up in South Korea, meeting her future husband, Sang-Yong Nam, her life in the United States, and her late husband’s legacy at U-M. He founded the U-M Nam Center for Korean Studies, which encourages social, political, cultural, and economic understanding of Korea in the U-M community and beyond.

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“Dad always mentioned the four D’s — dream, desire, determination, and drive.” —Moon-Sook Nam

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