Exhibitions and Events
More dinosaurs headed to U-M Museum of Natural History
U-M Museum of Natural History
Exhibitions and Events
The exhibition “Ancient/Modern: The Design of Everyday Things” reinforces the notion that many objects we use in our daily lives have ancient roots. American historical objects of daily life bear this out. From the preindustrial forms that were direct descendants of ancient equivalents to the mass-produced consumer goods we use and take for granted today, these daily life objects display a remarkable continuity in form and function. Drawing upon historical examples, Donna Braden will explore intriguing links along the chain from ancient to modern.
Not all of the items we use in our daily life were invented in our lifetime. Many have long and rich histories. Some have remained unchanged over thousands of years. The exhibition “Ancient/Modern: The Design of Everyday Things” will seek to introduce visitors to the concept that artifacts have existed for longer than they imagine, serving the needs of humans for millennia. In some cases, the concept from long ago proved so useful there was little need to improve its design. In others, the need remained, but the form was altered extensively. A selection from the Kelsey Museum collections will demonstrate these notions of change and tradition as they are compared and contrasted with their modern counterparts.
Friday, June 6, 6:00 pm- Exhibition opening lecture
“Ancient, Modern, or Somewhere in Between?”
by Donna Braden, Curator of Public Life, The Henry Ford Museum
7:00 pm- Exhibition opening reception
Sunday, June 8, 2:00 pm- Drop-in tour with exhibition curator
Sebastián Encina, Upjohn Wing entrance
Thursday, June 19, 5:30-6:30 pm- Tastes of the Mediterranean
with Vinology and Morgan & York; RSVP to attend
Sunday, July 20, 2:00 pm- Gallery conversation
with Franc Nunoo-Quarcoo of the Stamps School of Art & Design
Sunday, August 3, 2:00 pm- Gallery conversation
with Carla Sinopoli of the Department of Anthropology
Sunday, August 24, 2:00 pm- Drop-in tour with exhibition curator
Sebastian Encina, Upjohn Wing entrance
For more information, visit the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology website at: http://www.lsa.umich.edu/kelsey/aboutus/events/ci.exhibitionopeninglectureancientmodernorsomewhereinbetweenfri6jun2014_ci.detail
Exhibitions and Events
U-M Museum of Natural History
Exhibitions and Events
Jamie Sherman Blinder