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Addressing Ebola through design

A recent multi-disciplinary design charette hosted by the Stamps School of Art & Design brought together professionals, faculty and students from across the university to address a timely and critical global issue. The challenge: to generate innovative design solutions specific to the Ebola outbreak.

Working in interdisciplinary teams for three days of intensive conceptualizing, designing and making, the charette participants produced a wide array of smart, often deceptively simple, inventions for improving procedures around Ebola healthcare – from glove removal devices, to an Ebola survivors radio program, to a way to allow an actual physical embrace between a caregiver and a patient.

A guiding principle for the charette was “empathy,” a challenge that became a key component in the design process.

The charette focused on three main themes:

  • design of personal protection equipment
  • health communication across cultural and linguistic barriers
  • transportation of infected and diseased bodies

Addressing Ebola Through Design from UM Stamps School of Art & Design on Vimeo.

Outcomes from the charette will be shared with the all interested parties and are available below. For a full list of projects and for more information on how the designs are being refined and employed, contact Jan-Henrik Andersen.

“This event was a powerful example of how to leverage the amazing knowledge and skills that exist across campus. It shows how U-M can provide students with a compelling experiential learning experience that simultaneously benefits society at large.”

– Joshua Botkin, Entrepreneur in Residence at Ross School of Business

Story via University of Michigan Stamps School of Art and Design.

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