Bringing Down the Fifth Wall: A System for Delivering VR Performances to Large Audiences
Develops methodologies to address the challenges of delivering virtual reality performances to large audiences.
Envisioning Real Utopias
A series of charrettes to facilitate discussions with faculty and students collaborating across social sciences and architecture and planning who will design for the problem of inequality in wealth and housing.
Photocracy: Defining Democracy Through Stories and Art
A community-engagement initiative for the election year, with responses to the prompt “What does democracy mean to me?” in various media and modes.
Visualizing Telematic Performance
Explores methods of visualizing the subtleties of gesture, effort, tension, and movement–essential to the performance of music–into low-latency digital transmissions.
Fair Representation In Arts and In Data
Analyzes representation in art by a team of data scientists, curators, and artists through the application of algorithms to images of people in UMMA’s collection to determine how humanity “looks” at points in time, according to the collection.
Seen (س) Jeem (ج )Podcast
A podcast enabling the Center for Arab American Studies at UM Dearborn to promote understanding of Arab, Middle Eastern, and Muslim communities through conversations with contemporary Arab American writers.
The Art of Queer Health Sciences
A collaboration between the Center for Sexuality and Health Disparities and students at the Stamps School of Art & Design who identify as queer to create illustrations in response to scientific visualizations in order to reach broader audiences, with the aim of reducing sexual health inequities.
Unsettling Histories
Intervention in the University of Michigan Museum of Art through the lens of race to rethink traditional art historical classifications. "Flay" by Titus Kaphar, who will be in residence at the museum, is the centerpiece of this reimagining of historical narratives through art.